Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Poinsettia Revive Plant Retrieve Seeds

April 2010 March 2010

. . . And the story became a legend, which in turn became Teaching. . .

measured words, precisely positioned, able to awaken a place that resides within us, which knows no boundaries as may be the boundless love of a man who respects himself first.
always life goes on and its endless succession of steps is, as the river takes its course. . .
There is good as evil. We have to recognize what is right and what is wrong. Living in positive evil will perish of itself.
Beyond whatever I think, if what unites us is common sense, to honor every man should spend life in this world giving a fierce nails to the negativity. Only by being an example for themselves, can be useful to those who will happen to us, so that all who yearn for freedom, the opportunity to prove grateful to be alive, and then strive to give value to 'be there.
. . . For every man there will be a final moment of life and it is precisely then that is natural to ask if you have a way to live this life and if it was as we wanted it to be. No need to spend a life
striking or noisy, all you need is in itself the knowledge that everyone has a duty to save himself, strive to be better every day, get to feel good.
Being well means being in balance, without exaggeration, to know that all reality and the beings who belong to observe, because instruments are unique, but always instruments. The objective mind can not discriminate between one instrument and another, as if there is no discrimination involved, which denotes attachment to reality. Living attachment is unfair because it makes no sense to hold on to something if they are aware that we are missing anything.
Until you suspect that there is something outside of himself in a position to take complete within ourselves, it will be impossible to claim free. The Theravada
knows in his heart he was born to love, to be loved.
Who wants the love of others does not accept himself and above all do not accept others for what it is, but it is looking for something that supposedly lacks. Love, the most pure, is not asking anything in return because it is easy to give. Equally important is to remember that it is difficult for a poor generous, so you can give to others and be their help, only when you find a loan in which you identify yourself and that you engage in daily practice.
Life is too important to fall in pursuit of that which perishes, Life is what everyone lives within himself, a few is the courage to perpetuate his own being, in turn, become tools of something bigger.


The reality is in essence changing and evolving, everything outside of the intimate essence is destined to perish. The Meaning of Life can not be stored in anything material as the fading or changing the object disappear in the way of life. Men generally believe that it is to direct the destiny, verily Man is the sole creator of his life. For a Theravada heaven is the harmony that is possible to live in the present moment, Hell is the dissatisfaction, the absence of meaning. If man forging his will as the blacksmith forges the blade of the katana there would be no insuperable obstacle. If the man who rediscovered the treasure hidden in himself is anxious not to seek a meaning in reality. Being a man is like the essence of the river, never equal to itself in two different moments but always the same river. What changes is the knowledge, what remains unchanged is the ego. The path to knowledge can be likened to a spiral whose center is the essence devoid conditioning and free from all forms of selfishness. It makes no sense to increase their knowledge without putting them into practice, philosopher is one who practices what he believes.


What is the meaning of life?
Life is to be with themselves and do what it takes so much courage, be aware of being able to put in front of anyone and anything without fear.
makes no sense to be afraid when you have the awareness that Life is in ourselves, what is around you only tool for you, for your growth. If you think that something outside of yourself can make you feel good because you still have not found. Although it may seem like a really nice, do not get influenced by it, because everything is evolving, everything changes, everything is impermanent, and if you do not have a solid foundation risk of slipping into the river of life and live a life of dissatisfaction.
Nothing that is outside of you can complement them, surrounded only by what is good and what is not negative. It takes courage to say that it is better to be alone than with people who do not make you feel good. There is an illusion that the ease of living is the right way because it has effects pleasant, but the pleasure is fleeting, pleasure brings you dissatisfaction. After the storm there is calm and if you do not know what you are in truth you can not miss. Remember: what is outside of you should not determine your feel good or feel bad, but it's like you live inside, that's what makes the difference.
The Life of a Theravada is a continuous struggle against negativity, and against it there is no better weapon that indifference. The Theravada is responsible for his life, is not justified and not blame others for the effects of his actions because he knows that his life if he creates it for better or for worse, is all the result of his actions. A Theravada lives because is identified with something larger outside of him, because he loves indiscriminately, and knows that love is not human, is a state of being. Miky