Saturday, May 29, 2010

Las Vegas Clubs For Women

Coccinelle baby. Baby baptism.

I show you here some details of this request for favors for baby, just shipped.
Click here to read it.

you soon:)
For information, quotes, trivia, or otherwise, please contact me ..! samantha.web @ Sa Creative Commons License
This work is published under a Creative Commons License .

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Middle Of Foot Hurts When Ice Skating

Favors art, painted ladybugs baby baptism

should definitely be the time of the births and baptisms:) Yeah ... I create all the time
ladybugs with dummy! These
start in this wonderful spring day is to F. and his little Gaia of Siena.
I chose to work in the garden because now the whole house and my little lab is settled! Here I found one last free table.
Painting on rocks is an expansive work ... ....!
F. has chosen for its favors measures stone medium, 4-5 cm and chose them all with the option of pacifiers pink butterfly paintings that both rounds.
Here in the picture the stones dried in the sun and ready for painting, and here's the first of 12 bases red lie down with soft brushes!
soon with the work completed and ready for shipment.

Finally after a week of intense work to achieve them, here are cocciciucciobomboniere ready:) ..
were so many and since I do not know how but I love challenges, I have detailed all with different details in pacifiers!
F. chose an option to order staff to create these ladybugs, decided that as his small, would have long lashes, and although my pacifier with ladybugs are born without eyelashes (when I created were just mild soap and water!) I wanted to make an 'exception, very happy.
behold, the cigliosissime favors, each painted with a dedication on the back.

And here they are ready for shipment, each individually wrapped, fiuuu!

Many thanks to F. and her husband. A little pat on Gaia.

Click here ladybugs to see some details of that order.

Watch here I make a list of ladybugs.

For information, quotes, trivia, or otherwise, please contact me ..! samantha.web @ Sa Creative Commons License
This work is published under a Creative License Commons .

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Peritoneal Survival Rates

Evening philosophy

Courage. . .
Courage is the sword of the warrior, a mere instrument of Teaching.
The sword is not merely the weapon of the Samurai, is an extension of its essence, and likewise the courage not only to unleash a weapon in times of need, but the lifestyle of the warrior. If
's goal is to live for love, you can learn to merge with the sword, and then with the courage, in order to protect their own lives first and always, moment by moment, with honor, without being overwhelmed by fear.
Protecting yourself is something to be sterile if not their lives to the value of the Ideal, useful to all people.
Everyone can elevate his life coming out of the circle. . . The path is arduous and full of traps, but if you know how to love, if you know what to believe, no trap will be able to stop your climb. ..
You walk in a dream asking to be born, learn to survive and then die. . . Life does not get what you pay, you forget very quickly. . . But the same
life can also give you everything you need to create. . .
Life gives you what you ask of life itself. Your enemy is not outside yourself, and then wisely went on forward and grow, imponitelo If necessary, this force pulls out, be brave because there is no better time than now, the here and now is destined to go and how the water to flow into new things in new ways. . .
not run, if you believe it's worth it. . . Fight.
The truth is that life is beautiful because it exists, because now you can choose and the fact that your life is set or influenced by others, is false. Nothing and no one has the power to imprison him if you allow your spirit to fly. . .
love first requires the ability to respect themselves and respect what you are, what we feel inside us. Anything that distracts you from your path towards non-renewal, is a form of slowdown that you have not created to address the fact that doing what you believe, do it constantly and always be free, free from the bonds, free from patterns of thought, free from prejudice, is the most difficult and courageous in absolute.
Man has faced countless battles in history. . . All men, regardless of race or origin, have fought their way, but few have tackled the war know that the enemy does not actually exist, that death is indeed just a moment that is intended to allow for another juncture of life.
The passage of the Master in my life was like a flash of light that pierced the darkness of those who live in fear. I decided to fight.
E'inutile create limits if not to overcome them.

L 'Man can be seen as the dividing line between "the world" spirit and that of matter. The reality
changes depending on your point of view through which you look, if you see the individuality of man and the material is placed in outer space may seem like a tiny grain of sand lost in huge beach. Breaking the bonds of mind, you can see a truth that transcends the vision of being real individual, when man no longer feels grain of sand but an integral part of the immense beach finds to be part of the Whole.
Man, waking up, unable to see the spirituality in the art and practicality in mind. Focus attention on themselves, be the center of the universe, is to open a road to the knowledge of all because there is nothing outside of themselves. There is one mind, one man, one I do.
The obstacles that life puts obstacles in the path are the same man was created in order to attain perfection, physical and spiritual. To know oneself is to know about life, but you can not succeed if the first has not been able to recognize themselves in life.
The Master teaches that love is born from respect, that kind of love that can not do nothing but grow the evolution of the stage of purification that man reaches.
As a source of heat can not do nothing but radiate heat so a pure heart can do nothing but give without even the thought of receiving something in return. Love is an ideal attainable through the effort of purification. I'm on the road. . .


Watching the Master Guide and believe every single moment of his life, I open a horizon of meaning that holds in self, the essence of Living Men.
Waking up in the morning to be surprised again and enthusiastically tackle your day today because you are given the opportunity to donate. This is the target of a right: to give without even the thought of receiving anything in return, and then love.
a life without love is not even worthy of being lived and lived in a time when giving is not wasted time. Living in the evening so you can die knowing that you have won all your energy and be satisfied with what you managed to live even today.
This makes you closer and closer to the origin.
To be able to love the first step is to respect and therefore not live preconceptions and prejudices and why fear what you do not know? Why judge whether anything that is outside of you is just a tool for your growth?
A righteous man is limited to watching the actions of those around him because that is where the man shows consistency and then decide what and who surround themselves with, because he knows that what is outside him, and that does not belong is pure illusion to base its feel good about something outside themselves.
A right that has seen at first hand the power of love can only set itself as the goal of this life, learn to love. Because he has had first hand experience that Love is the Energy that all moves and that's where home is the meaning of life.
