November 2010 October 2010 September 2010
When a man is born already has in itself the truth of his life. More
this little man grows, this knowledge is hidden, and with it clears the value of the same individual.
Each in itself has all the answers, it just depends how much you are honest with themselves.
Think about how each of us is small. . . How small is the space that each of us deals with respect to the place we love, in relation to what's out there, compared to the size of the world. . . How many millions of planets and stars are there and how small we are in relation to this. Life overall is a great set of points of detail when viewed from different observation and analysis. There is one thing equal to another, everything in nature is unique.
The life of every person is unique and unrepeatable, however small.
Each is the result of what has been in previous lives, then the life of every man is nothing if not a small cog in a huge mechanism made up of many laws that one hundred hides Truth.
Under the veil of Maya (illusion) hides the face of Truth.
Every life is destined to end to make room for new life, everything cycles back the wheel of life.
. . . And so man is born and then born again. . .
Man lives facing the same problems, albeit with different faces, and then re-examined later. . .
man afraid of death when it does not make sense to be there, then you attack life itself, elements of the illusory reality that, like man, are destined to perish.
All this is repeated and repeated again.
mechanism if you leave this life ends its target underwear, this is possible only knowing each other, believing in what you do and doing only what you believe.
The goal is to make a life in balance and the balance is here and now if you know what you are doing and why.
It is not easy, it takes courage, you must know how to listen and be cruel judges themselves.
It is incorrect to believe the words of others, it is proper to believe in their own way, to right and what we feel we can touch.
If we have not arrived yet is because we do not want to get there.
The pursuit of pleasure and 'nourished by ignorance, there is no antidote to the poison of greed.
The source of the pain and 'the feel of attachment to the pleasure of living.
Reality 'and' energy flux, and every moment 'unique and individual, only in the now and here we discover the Truth'.
The man wants only what 'not to have considered that, in verita'un man can not' have nothing but their lives.
If you thirst for truth 'not to waste energy, always remember:
"Man and the true treasure' inside you." . .
Ignorance and desire are the causes of human suffering, eight paths necessary to eradicate the sources of suffering.
observe reality 'and' easy to determine its illusion ', the knowledge that arises from a correct view of life makes thoughts more' pure and uncontaminated.
"Every moment of life requires a choice, choose according to your self not your ego." . .
Sincerity is the foundation of man who wants to approach teaching. Since
the basis is the known, mind can not help but slow growth.
not delude ourselves that what we live outside of us is the truth, the truth lies within us. In all we have, we just need confirmations and confirmations come from practice.
If there are lessons correctly defined by a guide because they do not practice them? Back
sincerity. Belief in what you are doing? Put as much confidence in a guide? As you recognize this as the way that you can reach the goal? Add to
Samgha and meet the teaching is a precious gift is always so nice and never lived out of habit or out of opportunism. The Teaching is important and if you love know that he must go on, so you can use to find useful and then also be useful to something that is bigger than you. For you men are nothing but a small particle of a vast universe and your supposed limits does not actually exist, it is only your mind that you display them.
Only if you identify the truth of the Teachings of the words you really can go further.
Certainly life of illusion creates many seemingly pleasant, but fleeting. The awareness of the transience of these illusions is to guide the more so the way of those who have decided to live outside the Samgha while claiming to believe in education.
The ability to discern the truth is revealed to those who first demonstrated its ability to live an open and clear mental vision of reality and prevent its contamination and distortion.
For me the world I've seen so far is not reality but what my mind wanted me to see part of that movement which by its nature is impermanent, changeable and where ".... Only energy remains Essence Life .... ".
A mind conditioned by what he has studied and learned from culture and social context of all external stimuli select only those that are best suited to his conception of the world.
So what is the world?
My personal soul searching began when I choose to give up what I thought in the form of prejudices and preconceptions about myself and the other, the moment when I take the falsity of theories, dogmas, nationalisms and faiths that affect the existence of man and I find in me the courage to live. Each point of view looks like a small, unique and limited gear fit in a vast mechanism called the world but no matter how small it is, man always has within it the possibility of reflecting the All as part of a unit .
a geometry that goes beyond the individual person .... ideal that above all else by the name of love .... A vibration capable of putting the ego ... in resonance. a perception that you can not deny!