Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pokemon Gold Emulator How To Use Gameshark

Evening Evening philosophy

Life You are.
Life is not what you eat, you're wearing, you do. . .
This is just the reality, is the game you are playing.
Life is what you live inside you, intimately.
When you clash with the ideal change your life.
Only if you believe in something it makes sense that you do.
To believe in something, be something that you know you have, but in which you identify. Because while apparently failing to perfection in you, believing it is paid by you of energy that goes beyond human understanding and your skills. Go beyond the game of life because you're fighting for something. The Ideal
has no limits.
If you live in your ideal positive and brings common sense and therefore mainly due respect, there is no reason not to fight for their dreams.
The Ideal is never something human, not a life plan as a family or a good job, is not real, certainly has its concreteness, but it can be demonstrated only by the coherence between your life and what want to achieve.
For us the ideal and the ego.
The ego is a seamless flow from the current, is in you as a jewel waiting to be unearthed.
If you have an ego, but you're not aware, you can not claim to realize something in your life.
The road to the ego is the only way that I am interested to know, this road is the guide. Today
ego can have your own vision, it is not correct to think of arriving at truth, man must not make the mistake of defining what it sees of himself is partial and often far from the truth of his being .


Life is a journey that takes place inside of us.
is the only real journey that we can do, because the only Truth is what you are.
In this long journey you are always exposed to danger from outside, but do not let you drag, do not change your destination, you must be determined to continue your journey with the knowledge that everything that is outside of you is illusion but may also be able to use the right tool.
is a tortuous journey, but it is difficult to see what beautiful you are and what you can become if only you believe, and it is a journey that lasts for eternity does not end with you as the body but continues to bring in all. Then the engine of your life must be the desire to grow, never stop, it can be useful to yourself and then be able to be useful to others. And if you have a chance in life even to touch the thought and then to know the Master, you'll find that's where your journey begins, because you are given the guidelines, the goal and the means to achieve it, because those who commit this journey, it is true you are, but many islands near you strive with you, guide you in the right order to continue, it is also the beauty of being loved and being able to one day come to truly love.

Michy's life is on the meeting of the six senses (including mind) with the elements that make up reality. The man reacts to stimuli from the outside more or less logical, thinking of creating his life, but it is not. The reality is based on the law of karma, the effects correspond to a cause, an action a reaction. Living reaction to an external stimulus and means to be living in Karma and have not mastered their senses.
who lives and believes in the Teaching aims to get out of this wheel, with this chain of causes and effects that imprisons man in reality does not make it free. Reacting
means using your energy in response to an external stimulus, so means acting not in accordance with his will. The student's objective is the Teaching experience "does not influence" against changing realities of the eternal.
What does not change with changing life? The Creed, Love "I" or the teaching force in which the student is identified. The Creed, Love, I can not change it beyond reality. I love, I think, I seek refuge in the ego, but with "I" what I mean? As a simple man, "I", a tangle of thoughts and emotions, I have a great value. A life lived in search of pleasure or personal development, self-centered and superficial in my opinion is sterile. There is something more, something I need like the air I breathe, this Truth is something that I found, in teaching, in its many forms and in my guide. Be aware
tool and humble servant of the 'Ideal in this little big world, which is the Samgha makes me proud and fierce because what happens here is something unique. In Samgha everyone gives their energies without reserve to the idea, the dream becomes a reality. Transform the 'Ideal in reality is the alchemy that I experience every day on the matter and spirit. Acting in accordance with what you believe, love and protect the achievements are the roads that lead to the goal.


Growing assumes knowing yourself, understanding each other, to listen. Everyone is a wonderful tool, analyzing himself with the proper humility, it can really get to see each other. Seeing and discovering one's self. Search for the source of the ego is a journey that starts from a drop to reach, through the darkest caves, the most narrow channels, the more narrow foot, the source of your being in Truth. A drop, which combined with others from the same source, and they retain a power that even the highest mountain or the most solid wall can halt. The strength is the identification in an ideal, by Creed. There is no wind stronger than that of the ideal, where the voices of those believed the words of teachers, the lives of those who won, meet with the power of the river in each individual ego to overcome any obstacle, any fear, any ignorance. Perhaps a value is honoring those who have believed in you and before you is to respect and love themselves. Growing up is nothing more than being aware of your ego. "I carry your voice where you can not reach."



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