Thursday, January 1, 2009

What Do Brushes On Lpso Do


The evening's philosophy is a special time in our lives.

We shall meet in the Kedo - a place of learning.
The Master, as Keeper, brings the history of philosophy Theravada - the Teaching of the Elders - on which we base our practice of living and our creed.

. . . it is precisely within the tradition handed down that we build the beauty of living by believing in the powers of Man. . .

The evening is open to anyone who attends, listens and accepts the Master's words, and while each unique person, the teaching is the correct way to strike, the method .. can awaken.

There is a real life made of what you eat, how we dress, what activities is full of conditions and constraints. . . and there a real life that look inward to its completeness, a meaning to his being "Here and Now" To leave a sign of our passage.

Master teaches

Your Life is the most important thing

Nothing can be taught because everything already dwells in you, a guide gives you the proper way to know yourself (what are in truth) to be.

Respect for oneself and for others is the basis of any thought or action.
Respect for self means not living any coercion or imposition from outside, respect for others means not to impose anything, not to influence or affect the lives of others ..

If you want to get something right ... the determination and courage for his own choices to accompany the path of each man, the essential conditions for the achievement of 'target.

Knowing how to live in the happy medium ... any extremism leads to error

Know your present life, it makes no sense to think about the past because you can not change, it makes no sense to think about the future because only now build is really what you want


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