Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dog Food That Prodice Firmer Stools

minfestazione adheres to the The Catholic press in defense of freedom of information

The National Board of UCS, meeting in Rome on September 15 has produced the following document:

"Journalists Union of Catholic Italian Press Federation joined the demonstration organized by the Press for freedom of information. A freedom which still exists but is threatened by some big powers present in the information and broadcasting - where hard to find items that do not respond to orders a stable policy - both in print media, where the intentions and deployment lobby prevails now on the editorial autonomy of enterprises.
The UCSI signals the danger that even in the Catholic world, after the dismal aggression that led to the resignation of the Director of Future, can be found under the headings of those enslaved and would prefer a print standard. It would be really foolish that while young people move progressively on their needs uncontrolled sources of information, the institutional business is perched in an increasingly information governed by the tissue, wherever it comes from, give information, this really, really crook. "


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