philosophy Evening Evening Evening philosophy philosophy
As long as you do not practice daily what you believe is not possible to determine if you are on the right path.
If I live in practicing your positive means that there is a real similarity between you and what they say they believe.
For this you must always be true to myself and above all honest in front of their intentions.
There are many truths, many amazing and incredible things to be discovered through the practice of spiritual growth, but each step forward can be sterile if it is not supported by constant practice to simplicity of life.
Life is a tool to achieve its objective intimate, we know the first goal if we analyze what we are.
Master teaches us that no one can change you, no one can give or take away something. In you is everything. In this
Truth comes first, starting by giving value to every single moment, every single action that we decide to do.
Man came not one who makes a display of great powers, but one who, despite having gained great powers, simply lives his life willing to be helpful to others, maintaining the balance ' balance.
arrive and the man who never stops, Make every Here and Now, and every here and now lives in the totality of Being.
A great goals are reached through many small steps.
For it takes courage to face life. . .
face the realities and its illusions, lay them bare before ourselves, become aware of the fact that life is here and now "certainly involves courage.
The Master teaches that life is pain but also that life is beautiful.
The hectic life, the race to progress, loss of traditions the man away from the truth, the consciousness of himself.
Move closer to the truth requires effort and sacrifice, to destroy the ties that bind man to the karma involves determination and strong will.
Often the Master reminds us that life gives us nothing that we are the architects of our existence and therefore it is up to us to find the courage to live by Men.
Tirelessly the Master tells us that no matter what we use for clothing, the important thing is to be properly covered, or not important what people eat, the important thing is to eat properly.
Wrapped in a whirl of futility men throw away their lives without leaving any trace.
The Master teaches that real life is we have inside of us, the satisfaction of living should never be sought in the perfection of reality, but in feeling good inside.
The wealth of a man consists not in possessions but in the rightness of his being, in the purity of his action.
The difficulties in life to be lived as evidence, as times of growth necessary to achieve a step into more consciousness.
Every man should always remember to rely on their own resources to break free from karma. Teaching my guide.
life gives you if you give.
Always be honest and sincere in acknowledging your intentions, knowing that you'll get anything right if your intentions are incorrect.
work on what are your intentions, study yourself, with the objective of generating positive actions and then generate a positive constant.
Teaching gives you if you want to accept from the outset. You certainly do not deceive and do not live with the opportunism honored to have him found, assuming that this road will facilitate.
This is not the easy way out, because I leads to awareness and that makes you throw in a lot of responsibility to your life and to teaching.
carry forward But if you believe what you believe with Honor.
within the teaching so much more you are constant the more you get, because your belief becomes stronger and stronger.
is the strength of your belief that you numbered among the elect, because not everyone is given.
The intricacies of this road to bring the teaching to be few. Who has had the honor in life to meet the Teaching should be asking why me, but it should also be aware that in a moment you can lose the most precious thing, and grow what you are getting with determination and perseverance.
If along the uphill side of the hill lives the mind the hustle and desire to be already there, giving it added to anxieties and listening to miss the target ... If, however, go in the same climb on the same side of the same hill I enjoy the beauty of every single step of every moment as something unique and unrepeatable to reach the goal at all tired or in pain. The same realities faced with two choices and two different intentions also generate different consequences.
Every moment even the most banal becomes the manifestation of a clash.
There is to deal with negative thoughts, insecurity, fear, ignorance, desire and distraction, these are the names of the soldiers deployed in the ranks of the evil enemy army.
This requires effort and courage to break down the walls and the mental armor that I depart from the Truth.
the light of satisfaction that intimately and live in this road because of its unique and important for me to be like the air I breathe I understand that in truth are not the subject of this suffering and I am glad to have you each day to fight against evil, fighting to overcome the duality. Grow one step at a time because I believe in the courage and the truth does not see much use unless you have the ability to then recognize you as such.
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