Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Momoko Doll Singapore

The Spider's Stratagem

There is something that Italians do not know, but most do not need to know, behind the violence of the final of Silvio Berlusconi to the value of which Orwellian it has always filled her mouth, her freedom.

Freedom of information and criticism of journalism, even the simple freedom of choice for TV viewers. There must be a desperate so if the prime minister, already noted the special publics across the world, rather than fall (He) in the ranks of the democratic game, keep firing broadsides against the Indian reservations that still beyond its control .

The last episode, the darkening of BallarĂ² Raitre up, and now also Matrix on Channel 5, the entire audience to concentrate on today's episode of celebratory Porta a Porta for delivery to victims Abruzzo of the first houses of the earthquake, also adds to the "Korean" in the design of the hegemon. Like it or not, millions of spectators are called the call tonight, as good soldiers, to pay tribute to the "best prime minister in 150 years", which performs in yet spectacular exploitation of pain, among the praises of the chamberlains. It has a nice little saying that it takes care By employing certain words, but these things are seen only in these arrangements. More often, the end of the schemes, when the hegemon is much in later years and incontinence egolatrica.

The story is serious in itself, as has been commented Sergio Zavoli, President of the Parliamentary Supervisory Commission and the historical memory of the RAI. It is baffling that the president instead of ensuring the failure to reduce the Rai organization. This is at least of an understatement. But the deal BallarĂ² becomes even more disturbing because it is part of a strategy to intimidate the government or the spider's mouth plug directly critical information.

Complaints and threats against the Republic and Unit and even the foreign press, the media beating this or that journalist, warnings Mafia because of this or that conductor bend to the allegations or say goodbye to their programs, they are methods. You can not even say that it is a hidden plot. The objectives are clear, declared, in some cases claimed. Berlusconi is using all its powers of premier, first editor and Italy's richest man, to economically strangle the opposition press, purged the few news programs worthy of a public service, beginning with Annozero Santoro , Report of Gabanelli and Che tempo che fa Fazio finally dismiss the only television network director, Paolo Ruffini RaiTre, who does not obey orders.

We do not know if this can be defined "agony of democracy" , as Le Monde wrote . But it certainly looks like it very much. The French newspaper can also share the title of the terse comment: "Enough." In the hope that many are now in Italy if to say "enough", not, not for political conviction, but for common sense, decency and love of country. You will also see the demonstration in Piazza del Popolo on Saturday. At

free journalism remains the task of clarifying the mystery behind the final offensive against Berlusconi's freedom of information. In addition to the Italians already know, or at least the minority that does not just drink the news. And that is the government fear for the decline in (real) consents, the effects of impending autumn always denied the crisis, the expansion of the known escort and minor scandals, the approach of a ruling by the Consulta that Berlusconi may return to their responsibilities before the law. And then maybe there will be other to hide, that it is independent information to investigate. Unless the power to prevent journalists from doing their job. As is happening in Italy, with this pre-emptive war, under the eyes of the world.

Di Curzio Maltese online from The Republic.


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