Saturday, September 12, 2009

Solution For Kundali Mismatch

February 2010 September 2009 August 2009

man is above all one who believes in himself. You can not afford to do otherwise.
Life is made up of moments one after another, running away, they will continue to run out of hand until you know your giving value to be there. Every night before bedtime, you can not say with certainty that you will wake up. This should be an incentive to add value to this moment, the here and now you're experiencing. Therefore it is necessary to recognize what is important in their lives.
Recognize, live Gratitude.
Begin to live gratitude for their lives and the choices you have to be there.
for a fair student is important to be there while teaching unfolds;
for a fair student is important to be in reality and thus live right mindfulness;
For a student it is important to be there Just observe the beauty around him that the Master has created;
for a fair student is important to remember that the Master lives gratitude to all those who preceded him, all those who have carried the flag of the Teaching as a banner, taking care to fight against everything that this should not have lost
Just for a student is important to be there recognizing that if the Master Lives Gratitude, it would be superficial, and even ungrateful do not remember at all times that if today the Teaching Create your life is thanks to all those who have believed and have never stopped to allow you to pursue your freedom today.
A man is only he who fights for his freedom. Free from the conditioning is the goal for achieving a genuine feel good that depends only on you. Freedom is not anarchy, but discipline. In battle you can not go with a chaotic mind. Only in this way the value to your life.
During the evening of philosophy I realized that only if you live Gratitude can claim to have created the basis for being an instrument of courage and strength, and then vigorously protect what you believe, as only one you. Your life would fly off in a flash with all the frivolous items, along with all the lies, if I did not believe in man and in the ideal of perfection that you can achieve. . . It 'in you. Do not waste time!



Every choice involves a waiver of any decision taken with Honor restricts their range. What is freedom? Free is the one who consciously choose their lives. As for me I have freely chosen to follow the Course, to be guided and to be part of Samgha because it is in this life that I have identified.
Limit your freedom staff to achieve a larger goal is not a constraint, however, is the only way to reach the goal. There is no satisfaction without effort, there is no success without sacrifice. The untrained mind leads man to be sucked into the vortex of illusion, train, means renouncing the mere pleasure of the senses, to the frivolity and superficiality of life. Keeping their decisions for me is always be in front of myself, be logical and consistent than what I believe and fiercely guarded against negativity. Live knowing that there is no justification for a mistake means never take responsibility; the analysis of the reasons that led to the error are of paramount importance to prevent the perpetuation of the mistake, but can not and should not be used to justify or victimization. The focus is key to living a conscious life, a careless man loses sight of the goal and it's easy to get lost. Living by the samurai for me is to serve the Ideal beyond good and evil. The Master teaches that what is right is beyond good and evil, and for me, right and true and teaching. Be Humble Servant Teaching means using his own life in order to put into practice the ideal that is a united Samgha consistency in practice and in Teaching. A man who does not live to realize a dream is a man who breathing while being already dead. I, crazy enough to dream, I decided to give my life to this dream because I believe in this, here I am identified.


According to the Master near vision becomes more acute, you begin to see how much beauty there is around you and how you too can create it. As a result
inevitably you can not live that gratitude.
But what is gratitude? this time I was very far before I met the Master, because if you do not know love can not live gratitude because by not value what around you. Valuing
means putting attention in everything you do, it means, do not forget their responsibilities, carry on the traditions with gratitude to those who brought him the ideal and takes him out with honor, but also bring positive recognition means in their lives, thereby saving time that you are dedicated and if you have confidence in the Guide, you can not go wrong.
But I believe that the greatest form of gratitude that we can live in respect of the Master is not to fall into the great error, that does not cling to people, but teaching that lead.



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