Friday, October 2, 2009

Get Rid Of Stinky Urine On Carpet

To get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow a democracy functions, it is worth remembering that in 1999, while Bill Clinton was in the middle of the second term in the White House, Monica Lewinsky was interviewed for two hours of ABC and having a hundred million Americans. Without that neither Clinton nor a single democratic politician would dream of complaining. Of course, the Lewinsky was invited as the D'Addario, dozens of foreign television. Included Rai, with the personal approval of Agostino Sacca, a close friend of Prime Minister. At the end of the famous White House intern had agreed to attend a Porta a Porta, but gave up at the last minute because he had been to remove the word 'Sexgate' from the headlines. From The Republic



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