Thursday, September 23, 2010

Desmume Action Replay Mac

Evening philosophy philosophy

There are men who believe in an ideal and strive to achieve it in every moment of their life.
I follow the Master, a man born in love, I believe the translation itself.
There are two parallel and complementary figures in relation to the person who created the first philosophical Samgha Theravada in the West:
The figure of the warrior, with its history fought day after day, life after life, since five years living with the pride of those who know what is war, and go forward to honor, the honor of Ancestors.
There is the figure of the Teacher, Teaching, mirror for the ego of every person.
touch the existence of an energy so pure only because it is something that upsets at all levels of the lives of those living in perception.
Following the Master by three years in this life know about the 'inseparability of the two figures mentioned above: the materiality of existence of man, the Spiritual Master there is both a source of' Teaching and extremely consistent.
The Life of Master Chen is unique.
But he himself teaches that our life is unique because everyone has their own way.
Certainly for me it is unthinkable even remotely compare what has been my life with the life of the Master, because I see in him the source of those born free and is aware of attachment, leading to only be useful to others.
. . . . Like a drop in the bucket of the Creed, I live my life, I follow my path, beside me every day who devotes his life with a single purpose: My release.
Freedom means the absence of desire, lack of dependence on the false reality with its needs.
If today I owe to those who grew up driving me, knowing that I made every single step. The fact remains that the gratitude will accompany me to eternity toward those who first me has struggled, suffered, loved so much, always a free man to prove, bringing its experience to date, so that it can be useful for anyone with eyes to see beyond the banality.
You are free only if every night before bed you can say to yourself that you've done it and do again what you said the ridiresti.
I was taught that our every gesture is important and must have a value because our life is here and now.
This truth should not encourage anarchy, it would be sterile. It should instead push to the discipline of the mind that brought us to the repetition and laziness thrown back in at any time in our karma, in the culture that has grown by allocating their limited its schemes.
Discipline means attention to every action we choose to do, pay attention to their underwear: The aim is to first be honest with ourselves to continue our lives of men with honor and feed our ego with the beauty of one who knows Love without needs, without desires, without even the thought of receiving something in return.


To be useful to others is necessary to transcend themselves and make their lives just exemplary.
man to demonstrate through its actions that it is possible to reach an ideal of harmony and perfection is a potentially useful to the whole man humanity.
One limitation is that only be until they are broken. Theravada
The Teaching says, "you will be limited and restricted, living with honor does not have limits," even if a man shows by his life that means that this statement is realistic and feasible for every human being.
Master Chen teaches us that "no man can change the karma of another because there is always the free will" then the driver has the duty to honor the teaching through the logic and coherence.
the right man he meets in the Teaching and logical consistency has no other choice but to follow and take as an example who shows that it is possible to live Life to be illuminated.
Master Chen wrote: "I give you a way forward, but know that that is not easily distinguished. Arrive at your destination with the simplicity of no action. "
I think the only practical way to evolve, while being useful to others, is to make your life just copy and harmonious as the ideal in which we have identified.
of words haunting and engaging the world is full but without a concrete commitment and practice are sterile only whispers of truth.


Be honest with yourself: this is taught me. If you can not comply
lie. Every man knows what is right for its growth if it learns to listen.
Master is your mirror, if you do not recognize in his words is because either your credit is still scratched or because you're afraid to acknowledge what is right for you.
Growing up is hard, but the easiest way is never the correct one. A good warrior must first dimostrasi courageous, must be willing to fight for their lives, must be confident of his choices, without fear of what others may think of him.
Then destroy the barriers that you move away from your essence, not being afraid to be who you are, however, because You are unique.
Every man has his own way forward, every man to get to be in balance has to be tested, because each man has his own Karma.
If you believe you're not afraid, if you believe make progress with Honor your life, because even think of not being up to it would be a dishonorable act.
Master Guide and devote their lives to those who want to fight with courage. Bring the teaching of one who has always been willing to die for what they believe.
You also proved to be a warrior, because there is nothing worse than not being able to put into practice the words with which you identify.
Powers always positive, not stupid to fall into the mental mechanisms that slow your growth.
Before becoming the first free and Living the Life.



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