Monday, June 14, 2010

Sample Welcome Wedding Page

August 2010 June 2010 May 2010

. . . Sooner or later the Thought Theravada we all face because everyone is given a chance.
Meet the Teaching of the Elders is like suddenly being projected in front of the origin of man as there is no dogma, nothing is added to plain common sense.
. . . A return to ancient wisdom of men who were able to boldly say that their life is the most important thing, because it is the only thing we have.
This basic truth is inherent in the depths of the human being, means that, precisely because it is so important, life must first be met.
If you truly respect yourself and the ways you can make your way, you can not help but respect the others and life in general. Respect to be respected.
Under these conditions, create your own path becomes the primary objective.
Know yourself to be. You can not create his own life if you are not aware of what is and what you want from life itself, so you need to know, know your own reality of man (his own desires, their weaknesses, their aspirations. ..), then knowing how to raise through a selection of all the thoughts of all those perceptions that come to us, trying to distinguish between them, what we want to live by what we want to change. E 'right to want to change thoughts, feelings away from negativity and feel good because they generate dependency changing reality.
If you want to stay healthy you need to find a balance that comes from within themselves, because the attachment to reality, however pleasant it may be, produces weak men who are not able to give the right value to their lives, as too busy to focus on what is outside them rather than to their own inner life. The Master teaches us that life is not what people eat, the important thing is to eat, the clothes are not the Life you wear, the important thing is to be covered from the weather and for reasons of modesty, Life is not what we have. . . Life is what you live inside of you while you do everyday actions.
Knowing yourself you get to have the opportunity to experience what it thinks is right to make their own path. We must fight for an ideal, a Thought to be implemented with consistency, day after day. . .
live knowing that every choice is worth your life.
Staying in the here and now and do not yearn to have even more than what we have, since the dissatisfied is not clear.
E 'essential to develop the practice and experience: the body is working hardening, the mind moves and discipline. With the ego through the body and mind, you can create beauty and harmony.
believe in yourself, believe in man and are useful to those who do not want to suffer life.
only led to believe in a positive thought, consistency and logic, you can live freely.
. . . Life is good, if only for the fact that you exist and you can carry on with the Warrior's Honor your life, because it is unique.
And even in the worst reality, we know the energy that you see yourself in, with the knowledge that to maintain that energy, that power, millions of men are dead, that still Today you had the chance to have an effective way to regain your freedom.


Search means it has not found. The Teaching says, "Do not compare yourself, not paragonatevi. It makes no sense to look for the Teaching of older people when you have the conviction that we have already found their own way. Look for other roads, when you acknowledge that you have already found a standoci well, it makes no sense, it would be like trying to fill a glass already full. Look out for the elderly
assuming that somehow will change to accommodate those who want to hear is pure folly. We, we have identified in this teaching, we are not willing to change a grain of what we have been taught since we consider it just right. The Teaching defines the actions of a man just if they do not create the damage or to themselves or to others, the right is the action that does not adversely affect their karma.
Theravada philosophical teaching is definitely not suitable for all types of man, nor is intended to be, there is no trace of religion in our life, no form of philosophical or metaphysical speculation for its own sake.
one who want to hear the teaching should take it as an empty glass, to live without prejudice or bias and more than willing to put into question.
one who want to fill a glass already full will not find any place in this source.
The aim is to live a Theravada logic and consistency, we do not believe in God but believe in the ego, respect to be respected, not judged for not being judged, we live with the right commitment to giving value to everything, we are free and we use our freedom to grow, we fight the illusions of life that we should not conditional.
This is what we believe this is what we aspire to.


When you identify with an ideal're no longer the research.
becomes a waste of time for your life if you try something else claims to have found. If you identify
, becomes the ideal.
Outside of this there is nothing else. Do not recognize anything as true.
When you log on you have a great responsibility to continue to honor what you will be able to live and then one day teach others and be able to give as much love as I was given.
is a great responsibility to continue teaching, but that of the Theravada is the road warrior, the way of those who are always willing to fight and die for what they believe, those who have the courage to be free.
Log in to be free, to elevate, to leave the wheel of life.



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